Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Rights of Man and All That Jazz

         I am currently working on a post relating to Alfred of Wessex but I must take a moment to react to a fad sweeping the book of a thousand faces. A photo is being posted around the facebook that depicts a large red arrow pointing toward someone's profile picture with the text: "This Person Believes That Everyone Should Be Able To Marry". Okay, I'm in agreement so far but read the subtext: "Wipeout Homophobia on Facebook". I understand the sentiment yet I am forced to take issue with the proposal.
         As someone who was raised with people from all walks of life, I become quite irate when it comes to gay bashing. I have close friends who happen to be gay and I would beat someone within an inch of their life to defend these friends. But wiping out homophobia? Many people take issue with Christianity, shall we wipe that out as well? And how about liberalism and conservatism? They both promote a great deal of bigotry and alienation let's wipe these out as well.
         When I was in High School, I had a professor who made a great point that has stuck with me all of these years: "I hate the Ku Klux Klan with all of my being but I would die to secure their right to march on the capitol." I have attempted to reiterate this point, time and time again. A neo-nazi group held a rally in Lansing while I was living there and I was invited to join a protest, not against what they stood for but against their right to be there. At the anti-war protests in the mid 2000s there was always a counter-protest, not with signs which read "I disagree with you" but signs which read "Hippies Go Home". I have spoken out many times against the Occupy Wall Street nonsense but always based on their principles. The only time that I will go into their right to occupy is when I contrast the millions of dollars that they are costing the city with the social welfare that they are so fervently calling for.
         I don't believe in democracy nor do I believe in equality but most of you do. Please take a moment to consider what democracy and equality entails; perhaps more than simply tolerating those people with whom you agree. Speak out against homophobia and defend yourselves and your friends but remember, they have just as much right to hate homosexuals as we do to hate everything that they stand for.


  1. Although you and I differ greatly in political opinion, I can agree with the sentiment that an individual's right to protest in whatever way they find most satisfying or effective is equal to any organization or movement. That being said, I do feel that homophobia as an opinion or point of view is very different than a group of people who, through their words or actions, wish to make change in public opinion or policy (whether I view this as negative or positive). Although I have not participated in the Facebook trend mentioned, I would interpret it as many many individual opinions, as opposed to a movement. Therefore I would not have come to the conclusion that the intent was to "wipe out homophobia on Facebook;" rather, an opportunity for an individual to express their point of view in the issue. Bandwagon politics.
    On an entirely different topic: I very much miss Lord, Lady and Dragon.

  2. First off, thank you so much for reading and commenting; I love having feedback! I do see your point and agree that most people probably had no intention of truly wiping out an entire belief; you're completely correct about the bandwagon politics(they scare me). It is also a very good point that ideas and opinions are different from active persuasion; I will select my comparisons more carefully in the future. I would like everyone reading this (all three of you) to take a lesson from my dear friend Kate: This is how polite discussions are created. Not many people(including myself) would be able to so politely disagree with someone's views using completely valid points and make them happy about it!

    And we miss you as well! We really do hope to have you out to Decorah sometime soonish!
